Sunday, November 3, 2013

Going Clean for Livi

We have been flirting with clean eating for a while, but now it's time to go all in.  Clean eating means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.  For my family, it means we will adhere to these 5 simple rules:

1. No foods with ingredients that are unknown to us (or any that we can barely pronounce)
2. An increase of fruits and veggies (the more local and/or organic the better)
3. At least two meatless meals per week
4. An increase in water intake
5. No artificial sweeteners

I have been overweight my entire life (well, at least since I can remember) and my husband, Nick,  has been overweight since I've known him.  I have tried so many different ways to lose weight and "get healthy." It always begins on a Sunday and usually is over by Wednesday or Thursday.  If you've been on that merry-go-round then you know exactly what I mean! One thing changed about 17 months ago though-we had the most beautiful baby girl in the whole, wide, world...

Olivia, we call her "Livi"! She has completely changed our lives and this been the best 17 months of my life! I never thought I would become one of those "granola" moms who was into breastfeeding and making my own baby food, but I totally did just that! Here's a pic of Livi after enjoying her first food, homemade sweet potatoes! Yummy!!

I want the best for her. Not just for her to have a life filled with happiness, but I want her to have a healthy life filled with happiness. I have vowed to make sure Livi knows what healthy food looks like and she is equipped with the knowledge to make good decisions regarding her health. 

There is a big behavioral component to living a healthy lifestyle, obviously.  For about the last 10 years, I have had the knowledge, but I just couldn't seem to put it into practice.  Last January (after Livi's 1st Christmas), Nick and I decided to join Weight Watchers and really change our lifestyle.  It's been a journey, and future posts will explore that journey a little further, but where I have landed is that the best I can do for Livi (as well as for Nick and myself) is to eat as clean as possible.  We have to set an example for her and live the way we think is best for her. 

So I'm done flirting with clean eating and I'm ready for the full commitment.  My hope is that this blog holds me (and Nick) accountable, as well as gives me an outlet for the challenges and triumphs we are sure to face-and if it helps someone in the process, then yay!


  1. Wow.....not only looking out for Livi's happiness, but also the condition of her heart and body. It's encouraging a new family generational leap to breaking the chains of poor health choices. I've personally seen the change one very special little girl can make.

  2. How come you never told me you thought I was overweight?
