Sunday, October 26, 2014

Whole30 Day 1 Down, 29 to Go!

Day 1 of our Whole30 challenge is essentially complete! Woohoo!!

We started the day with the ceremonious before pictures and measurements. Hopefully I will be brave enough to share those at the end of the challenge.

So here's what we ate today:

Meal 1: A broccoli and beef frittata that I adapted from this recipe.  Check out how gorgeously yummy it looked!

I swapped broccoli for the spinach the recipe called for and it turned out pretty awesome! I paired it with some Monkey Salad. Even Livi enjoyed some, though she wasn't much in an eating mood this morning.

Meal 2: Chipotle. I had the standard Whole30 bowl. Lettuce, carnitas, hot sauce, guac, and more lettuce. I know it is probably odd to eat out on Day 1, but we had church today and the last thing I wanted to do after a morning of cooking and rushing to get there on time, is come home and cook some more. I was well aware I would feel this way, so I planned to go here for lunch ahead a time. It was pretty good. I'm not going to lie, it was a little hard not ordering my usual steak and I was jealous at everyone else's fluffy rice, but I survived and it was actually really good and I felt satisfied when we left.

Meal 3: Shepherd's Pie. Have I mentioned how much I love Pinterest! It just looked super healthy, even while cooking it on the stove. It feels good feeding my family this way.

As you can see, I'm trying to stick to the terminology of calling them "meals" instead of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  I think it does make it easier to conceptualize what we are supposed to be eating.

Here's how we feel:

Kelly: Good! Not hungry and no major withdrawals yet. I'm not feeling so great from my carb/cruddy food fest I allowed myself to have this week, but hopefully that will subside soon!

Nick: Good, has a headache he cannot get rid of, but may not be related to food intake today.

Livi: Get out of the kitchen mommy!!

I would say overall, Day 1 has been successful. But from what I read, this may be the easiest day!

Ready to tackle tomorrow!

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