Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Whole30 Days 2 & 3 and Rocks in Noses!

So I thought the excitement for my week was going to be getting through the first week of this Whole30 challenge. Livi had other plans! More on that later.

First, Day 2.

What we ate:

Meal 1: A turkey and apple hash that was super easy to make and a nice break from the eggs.  It was filling, though a little strange to consume so much meat in the morning.

Meal 2: Avocado Egg Salad.  I'm not going to lie, I hated this. The picture on Pinterest makes it look amazing, and even mine looks pretty tasty, but I could not do this combination.  I think I would much rather have  my eggs mashed with mustard and some pepper.  Nick thought it was pretty good, but later that night could not even think about eating avocados without getting nauseous.  This one is off the menu for a while.

Meal 3: I had to work late, so Nick made our typical chili recipe and just did not put the beans in.  It came out really good and filling.  The munchkin insisted on eating out of mommy's bowl. :)

How we feel:

Nick: Not feeling too great and has a headache.

Kelly: Well, from 5:30-7:30 I was in a meeting where food was catered and the smell of different types of bread filled the room.  It created quite a craving and because I ate dinner late, I had quite a headache.  As soon as I got home and ate I felt much better. I'm feeling less bloated and think I have lost some weight.

Now on to Day 3.

Here's what we ate:

Meal 1: I just had eggs.  I was running late this morning and did not get my veggies in! I know, I know, bad, bad, bad.

Meal 2: I had a lunch date at Chipotle and had the same bowl I had on Day 1.  It was yet again, delicious!

Meal 3: Here's where things get interesting.  I was out working and Nick picked Livi up from school. A few minutes later, here's the call I get:

Me: "Hello"
Nick" When are you going to be home?"
Me; "Why?" (No, I can't just answer the question)
Nick: "Livi has something stuck up her nose and it won't come out."

Cue Mommy Panic!

So I rushed home and attempted to get this object out of her nose with Nick.  We thought it was a black bean from the left over Chipotle she had had the day before.  Its after hours now, so we call our pediatrician's on call number. They tell us it's not really an emergency and she can sleep with it in her nose and we can bring her in the next day.  Or we can take her to Urgent Care. Ummmmm, my child is not sleeping with an object in her nose.  Off to Urgent Care we go.  There is one right down the street and they were amazing! It was a little traumatic for her (and me, I cried my eyes out) because they had to swaddle her in a sheet so she didn't move, but they got the object out in literally 2 seconds.  And it was not a bean. It was a big 'ol rock! Everyone at Urgent Care nicknamed her "Rocky" and she was quite the little star.

Of course, this totally threw off my dinner plans and I let Livi pick what she wanted for dinner.  For a 2-year-old she eats pretty healthy and does not eat hardly any processed foods, so when she said she wanted chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese, I obliged her.  We went next door to Chili's and she got what she wanted.

Nick and I had to be pretty strategic as this was not in our plans.  But life happens and you make the best of it. So we ordered a protein and veggies and asked for no butter.  I am sure our food was not 100% compliant due to who knows what was hidden in it, but we did the best we could.  And we felt really good about it because we were sooooooo tempted to throw in the towel, especially with this sitting on our table:

I had to finally put it all in a to go container and Nick had to close the box with sad stringed quartet music playing behind us.

A small victory for us! As for how we feel; tired, but proud we did not cheat!

Here's to a very boring, no rocks in noses, rest of the week!

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